The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
Hosted by Tom Pals and Ruth Lorensson, The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast explores how activating the brain to engage in homeostasis to restore optimal function holistically supports managing stress and trauma. Each episode delves into practical strategies and inspiring conversations that nurture wellness in mind, body, and spirit. Join Tom and Ruth as they break down the neuroscience of Autonomic Homeostasis Activation™ (AHA), share real-world insights, and empower you to experience greater freedom and well being in your everyday life.
The Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast
The Truth About Homeostasis: Why Balance is a Myth
Is achieving balance really the key to wellness? Or have we misunderstood homeostasis all along? In this eye-opening episode of the Autonomic Homeostasis Activation Podcast, hosts Tom Pals and Ruth Lorensson dive deep into the science of homeostasis and uncover why true wellness isn’t about achieving perfect equilibrium—it’s about thriving in dynamic disequilibrium.
They break down the history of homeostasis, from Walter Cannon’s groundbreaking research to modern-day misunderstandings that could be holding us back in our pursuit of health and resilience. Learn how your body naturally adapts to constant change, why chasing "balance" can be counterproductive, and how embracing the natural fluctuations of life can lead to greater well-being in mind, body, and spirit.
Join the conversation as we challenge conventional wellness wisdom and explore how to work with change, rather than against it.
🎧 Tune in now to shift your perspective on what it truly means to be well!
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Email Tom thomasjpals@innerworkings.org
Email Ruth ruth@bridgeandrhino.com
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